
L. Brooks Co. Clare

I can recommend Sharon Cahir and Cahir & Co. for their Professionalism, advice and prompt response. I have used her services on more than one occasion and found her to be both generous with her expertise and in giving me a clear understanding of any queries I had. I will most definitely use her services again for my business

L. Brooks Co. Clare
L. Jakubina Co. Clare

Wraz z zona jestesmy wlascicielami firmy w Irlandii. Wielokrotnie korzystalismy bezposrednio z uslug Sharon, odnosnie umow wynajmu lokali, porad biznesowych i adwokackich. Szczerze polecam Sharon, nadal zamierzamy korzystac zarowno z jej uslug, jak i uslug innych osob pracujacych w firmie Cahir and Co. przy poszerzaniu dzialanosci i innych problemow natury prawnej. Podejscie do klienta jest bardzo indywidualne, a wyniki dzialania bardzo pozytywne i wydajne. Jestesy bardzo zadowoleni z dotychczasowych uslug Sharon i zamierzamy jeszcze niejednokrotnie z nich skorzystac, jednoczesnie polecajac Sharon i Cahir and Co. innym. Za kazdym razem….

L. Jakubina Co. Clare
P. Cheung Co. Clare

When our mother R.I.P. died my brother and I were appointed executors of her will. The administration of the estate was handled by Sharon Cahir and her staff in a calm professional manner which meant so much to us at a traumatic time. I was so impressed I have since moved my business to Cahir & Co. Solicitors and I would recommend them to anyone needing such services.

P. Cheung Co. Clare